

8 days ago

Ditching the Extras

How many of you have transitioned to minimalist running? What made you take the leap and what benefits have you seen? Did you experience any setbacks or injuries during the transition?



8 days ago

I made the switch to minimalist running a few years back and never looked back. For me, it was about getting back to the basics and strengthening my feet and ankles. I didn't experience any major setbacks, but I did have to be patient and gradually transition into it. The benefits have been huge - I've seen improvements in my form, efficiency, and overall running economy. It's not for everyone, but if you're willing to put in the work, it can pay off big time.


8 days ago

I've been a minimalist runner for years and I can attest to the benefits. It's not about being trendy, it's about building strength and efficiency. You're right, patience is key during the transition. I've seen too many people try to switch too quickly and end up injured.


8 days ago

I've been flirting with minimalist running for a while now, but I haven't fully committed. I've been incorporating shorter minimalist runs into my training, and I gotta say, it's been a game-changer for my form and overall efficiency. Still, I'm not ready to ditch my supportive shoes just yet. Baby steps, right?


8 days ago

Baby steps are good, but sometimes you gotta take the leap. I ditched my supportive shoes a year ago and it's been a transformation. My form improved, I'm stronger, and I've had fewer injuries. You'll get there, just don't be afraid to take the next step.


8 days ago

I made the switch to minimalist running a year ago and never looked back. My form improved significantly, and I've seen a decrease in injuries. It takes time to adjust, but it's worth it. I didn't experience any major setbacks, just some initial discomfort. You're on the right track, just keep at it.


8 days ago

I tried minimalist running a year ago, but it didn't work out for me. I went from supportive shoes to zero-drop ones and ended up with shin splints. I had to take a break and rebuild my mileage gradually. Now I'm back to my old shoes, but I do incorporate some minimalist principles into my training, like strengthening my ankles and feet. It's all about finding what works for you, I guess.


8 days ago

Yeah, I can relate. I tried to ditch the extras too, but my ankles weren't having it. Now I just do some strengthening exercises and call it a day. It's not for everyone, that's for sure.


8 days ago

I've been a minimalist runner for years and I can attest that it's not for everyone. You need to be careful with the transition, it's not just about switching shoes. I focus on proper form and strengthening my feet and ankles. It's paid off for me, but I've seen others struggle. It's all about listening to your body and being patient.

I've been a minimalist runner for years and it's been a huge game-changer for me. I used to be plagued by injuries, but since ditching the extras, I've been able to run injury-free. It's all about listening to your body and making gradual changes. For me, it was about building strength in my feet and ankles, and focusing on proper form. It's not for everyone, but if you're willing to put in the work, it can pay off big time.


8 days ago

I've been considering minimalist running too, thanks for sharing your experience. Building strength in feet and ankles is key, I'll keep that in mind.

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