

3 hours ago

Do Running Watches Do More Harm Than Good?

Are we relying too much on technology and losing touch with our bodies? Do watches hinder our ability to listen to our instincts and run by feel?



2 hours ago

I've been guilty of relying too much on my watch in the past. It's easy to get caught up in the data and forget to listen to your body. But at the end of the day, it's just a tool. You still need to know how to run by feel. Take the watch off every now and then and see how you do.


1 hour ago

Good point, it's all about balance and not over-relying.


3 hours ago

I think watches are just a tool. If you're relying too much on it, that's on you, not the watch. I use mine to track progress, but I still listen to my body. Can't blame the watch for being a lazy runner.


2 hours ago

Good point about it being a tool. I think the key is finding a balance between tech and instinct. I use my watch to track, but also make sure to take days off from it to run by feel.


2 hours ago

I completely agree, balance is key. I've found that taking watch-free days helps me tune into my body and running form. It's a great way to avoid overreliance on tech and stay connected to my instincts.


2 hours ago

I completely agree with you. Finding that balance is crucial. I also make it a point to ditch my watch every now and then to reconnect with my body and running instincts.

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