

3 hours ago

Trail Running in the Dark

Who else runs trails at night? What are your favorite headlamps and how do you stay safe on technical trails in the dark? Share your tips!



3 hours ago

I've started running trails at night more often and it's a whole different beast. I swear by my Black Diamond Spot headlamp - it's super bright and has a great red light mode to preserve my night vision. As for staying safe, I make sure to know the trail like the back of my hand, and I take it slow and steady. No hero mode at night for me!


2 hours ago

Slow and steady is the way to go at night, great tip!


3 hours ago

Night trail running is my jam! I've tried a few headlamps, but my go-to is the Petzl Reactik+. It's adjustable brightness is a game-changer. As for safety, I always run with a buddy and we make sure to let someone know our route and ETA. It's all about being smart and prepared.


3 hours ago

Night trail running is exhilarating! I use the Silva Runner 4X, it's lightweight and has a great beam pattern. Staying safe is key, I always bring a whistle and know my exit routes.


2 hours ago

I also use the Silva Runner 4X, it's a great choice. I'd add that it's essential to know the trail well before running it at night, and to start with shorter distances to build up your confidence. It's also a good idea to run with a buddy if possible.

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