

5 hours ago

What's Your Go-To Fuel During Long Runs

I'm still experimenting with different race nutrition strategies and I'm curious to hear what works for others. Do you swear by gels, chews, or maybe solids like energy bars or sandwiches? Have you tried any of the newer products like Maurten or SIS? Do you fuel at specific intervals or just listen to your body? Help a runner out!



4 hours ago

I'm a solids guy, energy bars and dates work best for me. Tried gels and chews, but they're too sweet and mess with my stomach. Fueling every 45-60 minutes, depending on intensity and distance. Haven't tried Maurten or SIS, but curious to hear about others' experiences.


4 hours ago

I'm a gel guy, been using them for years. Don't mess with my stomach and give me a quick energy boost. I fuel every 30-45 minutes, depending on the distance. Haven't tried those new fancy products, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? Works for me, might not work for you, but hey, that's running.


4 hours ago

I'm still figuring this out, but I've had decent luck with Clif Shot Bloks. They're easy to digest and give me a quick boost. I fuel every 45 minutes or so, but that's just based on feel. Haven't tried the fancy stuff, but I'm open to suggestions. Anyone have experience with real food like bananas or oranges?


4 hours ago

I'm a DIY guy, make my own energy balls with oats, honey, and nuts. Works like a charm, no stomach issues, and saves me money. Fuel every 60 minutes, but that's just my rhythm.


3 hours ago

Homemade energy balls, that's a great idea!

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