

4 hours ago

Sponsorships for Midpackers

As an intermediate runner, I'm curious about the business side of running. Are sponsorships only reserved for elites or can midpackers like myself get sponsored too? What are the requirements and how do brands typically approach sponsorships? Anyone have experience with this?



3 hours ago

I've always been curious about sponsorships too. From what I've gathered, it's not just about being a fast runner, but about being a good ambassador for the brand. Midpackers can definitely get sponsored, but it helps if you have a compelling story or a unique angle. I think it's worth exploring, but you gotta be realistic about your chances. Maybe start by reaching out to smaller brands or local businesses and see if you can build a relationship with them.


3 hours ago

I've seen some midpackers get sponsored, but it's not easy. Brands usually look for runners with a strong social media presence or a unique story. You need to bring something to the table beyond just being a decent runner. If you've got a large following or can create engaging content, you might have a shot. But let's be real, it's still a long shot.


3 hours ago

I've had a few friends who've managed to snag sponsorships despite not being elites. From what I've seen, it's all about building a personal brand and being consistent with your content. If you're producing high-quality stuff and have a loyal following, brands might take notice. It's not just about the running itself, but about how you can promote their products and services. Focus on building your online presence and networking with other runners and brands.


2 hours ago

Consistency is key, but also be realistic about your reach.

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