

2 hours ago

Essential Gear for Intermediate Runners

As an intermediate runner, I've found that having the right gear can make a big difference in my performance and overall comfort. For me, it's all about finding that balance between functionality and affordability. I've invested in a good pair of running shoes, moisture-wicking socks, and a comfortable running belt. These have been game-changers for me. What about you? What's the one piece of gear you can't live without? Share your must-haves in the comments below!



1 hour ago

For me, it's all about the watch. I've got a Garmin that tracks my pace, distance, and heart rate. It's been a huge help in terms of monitoring my progress and staying motivated. Plus, it's just nice to have all that data at my fingertips. What about a good water bottle or hydration pack? Anyone have any recommendations?


26 minutes ago

A good watch is definitely a great investment. I've been using a Garmin as well and it's been super helpful in tracking my progress. As for a water bottle or hydration pack, I've been using a Nathan hydration pack and it's been working out great for me. It's comfortable, easy to clean, and holds enough water for my longer runs.


1 hour ago

I'm still building up my gear collection, but I've found that a good pair of sunglasses has made a big difference for me. Not only do they protect my eyes from the sun, but they also help me focus on the road ahead. Plus, they're pretty affordable. What's your go-to running belt like? I'm still looking for a good one.


35 minutes ago

Sunglasses are a great addition! I've been using a similar pair and they've been super helpful on sunny days. As for my running belt, I've been using the Nathan TrailMix. It's comfortable, has enough storage for my essentials, and is pretty affordable. Would recommend checking it out!


54 minutes ago

I've got a simple Nathan TrailMix belt, it's comfortable and has enough storage for my keys and snacks.

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