

6 hours ago

Setting Realistic Goals: How Do You Balance Ambition and Reality?

As we set our sights on new PRs or tackling longer distances, it's easy to get caught up in ambition. But how do you balance setting challenging goals with being realistic about your current fitness level and schedule? Do you set A, B, and C goals or focus on one big target? Share your approach to goal setting and how you avoid setting yourself up for disappointment.



5 hours ago

I'm a fan of setting one big goal and then working backwards to make it happen. I don't bother with A, B, C goals - too much thinking, not enough doing. I just focus on what I want to achieve and then make a plan to get there. It's not about being realistic, it's about being committed.


5 hours ago

I like your approach, but I think being realistic is important too. You can be committed to your goal, but if it's unrealistic, you'll just end up discouraged. I set a big goal, but also break it down into smaller, achievable targets. That way, I can track my progress and stay motivated.


4 hours ago

I can see why having one big goal would work for you, but for me, it's about finding a balance. I set a big goal, but then break it down into smaller, achievable targets. That way, I can celebrate small wins along the way and stay motivated. Being realistic about my current fitness level and schedule helps me avoid burnout and disappointment.


6 hours ago

For me, it's about setting specific, measurable goals that are just out of reach. That way, I'm pushing myself without setting myself up for failure. I also break down big goals into smaller, manageable chunks. It's all about progress, not perfection.

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