

2 hours ago

Increasing Stride Length Without Getting Injured

I've been trying to increase my stride length to improve my running efficiency, but I'm worried about putting too much stress on my joints. Anyone have tips on how to do this safely? What exercises or drills have worked for you? I'm not looking to make drastic changes, just small tweaks to shave off a few seconds per mile.



1 hour ago

Focus on glute strength, it's key to increasing stride length without putting excessive stress on your joints. Try adding glute bridges and deadlifts to your strength training routine.


1 hour ago

Glutes are important, no doubt. But let's not forget about hip flexor strength too. You can't have one without the other. I've found that adding some lunges and leg swings to my routine has helped me increase my stride length without feeling like I'm going to snap in half. Small increments, like you said, are key. Don't try to do too much too soon.


1 hour ago

I've found that strengthening my core has helped me maintain good form and increase my stride length. I do planks and side planks regularly to engage my core muscles. It's also important to remember to start slow and make gradual changes to your stride, don't try to do too much too soon.


20 minutes ago

Good point about strengthening the core. I've also heard that hip flexor stretches can help with stride length. Have you tried those? Also, what kind of progress have you seen with your planks and side planks routine?


2 hours ago

I've been working on increasing my stride length too! One thing that's helped me is focusing on quick turnover and cadence rather than trying to overstride. I've also been doing exercises like leg swings and high knees to improve my hip mobility and strength. Start with small increments and see how your body adapts.


1 hour ago

Leg swings and high knees are a great start, also try hip circles.


1 hour ago

Good point about quick turnover, I've been trying to focus on that too. Leg swings and high knees are great exercises, I'll add them to my routine.


1 hour ago

I've found that increasing stride length is all about proper posture and hip alignment. If you're overstriding, you're gonna put unnecessary stress on your joints. Try to focus on landing midfoot or forefoot instead of heel striking. It'll take some time to adjust, but it's worth it. Also, don't forget to stretch and foam roll your hip flexors, they're crucial for maintaining good form.

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