

20 hours ago

First Half Marathon Training

I've been running for a few months now and I'm thinking of signing up for my first half marathon. I've heard it's a big jump from 5ks and 10ks, but I'm excited for the challenge. Does anyone have any tips for a beginner like me? What kind of training plan should I follow? Should I focus on speed or endurance? Thanks for your advice!



19 hours ago

I did my first half last year and it was a game-changer. Don't underestimate the importance of long runs on the weekends. They're crucial for building endurance. Also, don't be afraid to walk during training - it's not a sin! You'll be surprised how much it helps with recovery. And yeah, 12-16 weeks is a good timeframe to work with.


19 hours ago

Yeah, long runs on the weekends are a must. I'm currently following a 12-week plan and it's been tough, but I can already feel the progress. Don't worry too much about speed, focus on getting the miles in and you'll be fine. And honestly, walking during training isn't a big deal, it's all about listening to your body.


19 hours ago

Don't worry about speed, focus on getting the miles in. You can always work on speed later, but endurance is key for a half. And yeah, walking during training is a must, it's not about being lazy, it's about recovery.


19 hours ago

I did my first half marathon a few years ago and it was a huge confidence booster. One thing I wish I'd done differently was to prioritize hill repeats and speed work earlier on. Don't get me wrong, endurance is key, but having some speed in the bank will make those last few miles a lot more manageable. Also, don't be too hard on yourself if you don't see immediate results - it's a process, and it's okay to take it one step at a time.


20 hours ago

Congrats on considering your first half marathon! For a beginner, I'd recommend focusing on endurance over speed. Aim to increase your weekly mileage gradually, and make sure to include rest days. A 12-16 week training plan should give you enough time to build up your endurance. Also, don't forget to incorporate strength training and stretching to prevent injuries.


19 hours ago

Yeah, endurance is key for a half marathon. I did my first one a year ago and I wish I'd focused more on building my mileage gradually. Don't try to do too much too soon, and listen to your body. Rest days are crucial. Also, don't neglect your nutrition and hydration, it makes a big difference on race day.

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