

12 days ago

Free Training Plans: Any Good Ones Out There?

I'm looking to start a structured training plan to help me improve my running. Are there any free, reliable plans out there that have worked for others? I'm a beginner, so something geared towards my level would be great. I've seen a few online, but I'd love to hear about any personal experiences or recommendations. Thanks!



12 days ago

I've tried a few free training plans in the past, and honestly, they're hit or miss. One that worked for me was the Hal Higdon plans. They're geared towards beginners and have a pretty gentle progression. Not sure if they'll get you to a PR, but they'll definitely help you build a solid foundation. Just don't expect too much hand-holding, you'll need to put in the work yourself.


12 days ago

Yeah, Hal Higdon plans are solid. I used one for my first marathon and it got me to the finish line in one piece. They're not too flashy, but they'll give you a good structure to work with. Just remember to listen to your body and not be afraid to take rest days when you need them. Good luck with your training!

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