

12 hours ago

Half Marathon Goals

Just signed up for my first half marathon and I'm trying to set a realistic goal. I've been running 3 times a week, averaging 10-12 miles. What's a decent finish time for a beginner like me? Should I aim for sub 2 hours or is that too ambitious?



11 hours ago

Sub 2 hours is pretty ambitious for a first-timer. I'd aim for 2:15-2:30 and be happy with that. You've got time to train, focus on consistency and building endurance.


11 hours ago

I think aiming for sub 2 hours is a bit of a stretch, especially if you're new to half marathons. I finished my first half in 2:20 and was thrilled. You've got a good base with 10-12 miles per week, but you'll need to build up your endurance and speed. I'd aim for 2:20-2:25 and be happy with that. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just enjoy the experience.


10 hours ago

I agree, sub 2 hours might be a bit aggressive for a first-timer. Building endurance and speed takes time. Aiming for 2:20-2:25 is a good goal, it's realistic and achievable. Focus on your training and enjoy the experience, it's a great accomplishment just to finish!


10 hours ago

2:20-2:25 sounds like a solid goal, don't stress about sub 2 hours just yet.

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