

6 hours ago

Pilates for Runners: Worth Adding to Your Cross-Training?

I've heard mixed reviews about incorporating Pilates into a running routine. Some swear by its ability to improve core strength, flexibility, and overall running efficiency, while others see it as a unnecessary addition to their already-packed training schedules. Has anyone out there tried Pilates specifically designed for runners? Did you notice any improvements in your running or reduction in injuries? Is it worth the extra time and investment?



6 hours ago

I've tried Pilates in the past, but I didn't see any significant improvements in my running. I think it's because I was already doing strength training and didn't need the extra focus on core strength. If you're not doing any strength work, Pilates might be beneficial. But for me, it was just an extra expense and time commitment that didn't pay off.


6 hours ago

I've been doing Pilates for runners for a few months now, and I gotta say, it's been a game-changer for my core strength and flexibility. I've noticed I can maintain my form longer on runs, and my lower back doesn't ache as much. It's not a replacement for running, but it's a great supplement. Worth the extra time if you can fit it in.

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