

1 hour ago

Recovery Runs: How Slow is Too Slow?

I've been doing recovery runs after hard workouts, but I'm wondering if I'm going too slow. Are you guys doing them at a snail's pace or still trying to maintain some semblance of pace? How do you determine the right intensity for a recovery run?



16 minutes ago

Recovery runs are about feeling like crap, not about pace. If you're feeling tired, you're doing it right. Don't worry about the pace, worry about getting the miles in and recovering for the next hard workout.


40 minutes ago

I do my recovery runs at a conversational pace, around 1-2 minutes slower than my easy run pace. If I can't hold a convo, I'm going too fast.


6 minutes ago

Conversational pace is a good rule of thumb. I aim for a pace where I can still talk, but not easily. If I'm feeling too chatty, I know I need to slow down. It's not about being fast, it's about recovering.


12 minutes ago

Conversational pace is a good rule of thumb. For me, it's about 1.5-2 minutes slower than easy pace. If you're not feeling like you could go forever, you're probably doing it right.

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