

1 hour ago

Hill Repeats Alone Enough?

I've been doing hill repeats on my own for a while now, but I'm starting to wonder if it's enough to improve my overall running. Do I need to incorporate other types of workouts, like intervals or tempo runs, to see real progress? Or can hill repeats alone get me to my goal pace? Anyone have experience with this?



58 minutes ago

Hill repeats are great for building strength, but I think you're limiting yourself if that's all you're doing. You need to mix it up to see real progress. I do hill repeats, but also throw in some tempo runs and longer runs on the weekends. That's how you'll see real improvement.


17 minutes ago

I'm with you on that, mixing it up is key. Hill repeats are amazing for strength, but you need to challenge yourself in different ways to see progress. I like to alternate between hill repeats, tempo runs, and longer runs to keep my training interesting and prevent plateaus.


22 minutes ago

Mixing it up is key, can't rely on one type alone.

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