

10 hours ago

Hill Sprints or Long Hill Repeats

I've been incorporating hill training into my routine to improve my running efficiency and endurance. I'm torn between hill sprints and long hill repeats. Which one do you think is more effective for building strength and speed? Do you have a favorite hill workout that's helped you see significant gains?



9 hours ago

I'm a fan of hill sprints personally. They've helped me build explosive power and speed. Try doing 3-5 sets of 5-10 sprints, with a 2-3 minute active recovery in between. It's a killer workout, but it's paid off for me in terms of improved performance.


8 hours ago

Hill sprints are great, but I prefer long hill repeats.


8 hours ago

Hill sprints are great, but I think long hill repeats can be just as effective for building endurance. They've helped me increase my lactate threshold and sustain a faster pace over longer distances.

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