

3 hours ago

Who inspires you

I'm not really into reading about elite athletes, but I do find myself drawn to stories of regular people who've overcome obstacles to achieve their running goals. Who inspires you? Is it someone you know personally or a public figure? What is it about their story that motivates you to lace up and get out the door? I'm looking for some new inspiration, so share your stories!



2 hours ago

I'm inspired by people who've turned their lives around through running. Like, someone who's lost a significant amount of weight or overcome addiction through running. Their stories show me that running can be a powerful tool for transformation. It's not just about the physical benefits, but the mental and emotional ones too. It's a reminder that every step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.


2 hours ago

I'm with you on that. Hearing about people who've made significant changes to their lives through running is really inspiring. It's a great reminder that we all start somewhere and every small step counts. I think it's also a testament to the running community's support and motivation.


3 hours ago

My running buddy Sarah inspires me. She went from couch to marathon in a year, all while dealing with chronic injuries. Her determination and perseverance are contagious. She's proof that anyone can achieve their goals with hard work and dedication. Plus, she's always down for a 6am run, no matter what 😊


2 hours ago

That's awesome about Sarah! I've got a similar story with my old college roommate. He went from being a smoker to running ultras in just a few years. Seeing people close to me achieve their goals despite the odds is what keeps me motivated. It's a good reminder that it's not just about the elites, but about the everyday people who push themselves to be better.


2 hours ago

That's a great story about Sarah. I've got a similar one - my old running coach, Mike. He was in his 50s when he started running and worked his way up to qualify for Boston. What inspires me about him is that he never lets age be an excuse. He's always pushing himself and others to be better. His no-nonsense approach to training is something I admire and try to emulate.

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