

20 hours ago

Injury Prone

I've been dealing with shin splints on and off for months now. Anyone else struggle with recurring injuries? What are some common mistakes we're making that lead to these nagging issues? Is it overtraining, poor form, or something else entirely? Share your experiences and tips for staying healthy!



19 hours ago

I've had my share of injuries too, and I think it's a combination of things. For me, it's been a mix of overtraining, poor form, and not stretching enough. I've learned to pay attention to my body and take rest days when I need them. Also, incorporating strength training and stretching exercises has helped me stay injury-free for longer periods. It's a constant battle, but it's worth it to keep running.


18 hours ago

Yeah, I've been there too. I think we're all guilty of pushing ourselves too hard and ignoring the signs of fatigue. For me, it's about finding that balance between training and recovery. I've started incorporating more cross-training and strength exercises to help reduce the impact on my joints. And yeah, stretching is key. You're right, it's a constant battle, but it's worth it to keep running.


18 hours ago

I'm with you on that. I've had my share of injuries too. For me, it's usually a sign that I've been pushing too hard. I've found that mixing up my route and incorporating walk breaks helps. Also, making sure to replace my shoes regularly has made a big difference. It's all about finding that balance and listening to your body.


19 hours ago

Been there, done that. I used to get shin splints every few months until I realized I was overstriding and not strengthening my ankles enough. I worked on my form, incorporated ankle exercises, and made sure to listen to my body when it needed rest. Now, I can go months without any issues. It's all about finding that balance and being patient with your progress.


19 hours ago

Recurring injuries are a runner's worst nightmare. I've had my fair share of IT band issues and plantar fasciitis. For me, it's always been a combination of poor form and not allowing for adequate recovery time. I've learned to dial it back when I need to and focus on strengthening my core and glutes. It's not sexy, but it works. Don't be afraid to take a step back and reassess your training.


19 hours ago

I'm guilty of pushing too hard and ignoring the signs. For me, it's usually a mix of overtraining and poor form. I've learned to slow down and listen to my body, but it's a constant struggle.


18 hours ago

I can totally relate! I've been there too, pushing through the pain and ignoring the signs. It's great that you've learned to slow down and listen to your body. I think that's key - being mindful of our bodies and not pushing ourselves too hard. It's a delicate balance between challenging ourselves and taking care of ourselves.


18 hours ago

I can relate. I've had my share of injuries too. It's a combination of factors, but for me, it's usually poor form and not warming up/cooldown properly. I've started to focus more on strengthening my core and glutes, which has helped. It's a constant battle, but taking small steps towards prevention helps.

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