

19 hours ago

Motivation is Overrated

Let's be real, most of us aren't motivated all the time. I know I'm not. So, what's the secret to still getting out the door? For me, it's about creating habits and a routine. I don't wait for motivation to strike, I just lace up and go. It's not about feeling like it, it's about doing it anyway. The motivation will come and go, but the habit will stick. What's your take on motivation? Do you rely on it or do you just get on with it?



19 hours ago

Couldn't agree more. I've found that the more I run, the less I need motivation. It's just what I do. The habit takes over and before you know it, you're lacing up without even thinking about it. It's not always easy, but it's worth it in the end.


19 hours ago

I'm with you on this. Motivation is fleeting, but discipline is what gets me out the door. I've found that once I've established a routine, it's easier to stick to it even when I don't feel like it. It's not about being motivated, it's about being consistent.

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