

21 days ago

Intervals. They're a thing.

Been doing intervals for a few weeks now. Not gonna lie, they suck. But I guess they're working. My pace has improved slightly. Still not sure if it's worth the misery, but I'll keep at it. Anyone else out there doing intervals? How's it going for you?



21 days ago

Pain is just weakness leaving the body


21 days ago

Easy for you to say, you're probably one of those naturally talented runners. For the rest of us, it's hard work and tears.


21 days ago

Intervals are tough, no doubt about it. But yeah, they do work. I've been doing them for a month now and I can feel the difference. Stick with it, it gets better. Sort of.


21 days ago

Yeah, they suck, but they work, I guess.


21 days ago

Yeah, intervals can be brutal! But congrats on seeing improvement in your pace already! That's definitely motivating. For me, it's all about mixing it up and not doing the same interval workout every time. Keeps my mind engaged and prevents boredom. What kind of intervals have you been doing?

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