

8 days ago

Fixing My Form

I've been running for a few months now and I'm pretty sure my form is all wrong. I've been getting shin splints and my knees ache after every run. What are some tips for improving my running form? Should I try to land midfoot instead of heel striking? Any advice appreciated.



8 days ago

I've been there too, brother. Shin splints and knee pain are no joke. For me, it was about making small adjustments over time. I started by focusing on my cadence, trying to take more strides per minute. Then, I worked on keeping my weight centered over my feet, rather than landing heavy on my heels. It's not about forcing a certain form, but about finding what works for you. And yeah, stretching and foam rolling are a must. Don't be too proud to take it easy and recover, either.


8 days ago

Good advice above. I'd add that it's not just about changing your form overnight, it's about being patient and consistent. I've found that strengthening your core and glutes can also help improve your form. And don't forget to listen to your body, if you're feeling pain, stop and rest. Don't push through it, you'll only make it worse. Take it from someone who's been there.


8 days ago

Good advice. I've also heard that strengthening your core and glutes can help with form. It makes sense, since they're the foundation of your running posture. Have you tried incorporating exercises like squats and lunges into your routine? I'm considering adding them to my own training to see if it helps.


8 days ago

Shin splints and knee aches? Yeah, you're doing it wrong. First off, try to relax your upper body, you're probably tensing up like a noob. Then, focus on your foot strike - midfoot's the way to go, but don't try to force it, it'll come naturally with practice. And for god's sake, strengthen your ankles, they're probably as weak as your form.


8 days ago

I was in the same boat a few months ago. What helped me was focusing on my posture and trying to keep my feet striking the ground directly under my center of gravity. It's not about forcing a midfoot strike, but rather letting your body find its natural stride. Also, don't forget to stretch and foam roll after your runs, it's made a huge difference for me.


8 days ago

I went through a similar struggle when I first started running. One thing that helped me was to focus on quick turnover and light footsteps. Try to imagine you're running on hot coals, it sounds silly but it works! Also, consider getting a gait analysis or working with a running coach to identify specific areas for improvement. And don't be too hard on yourself, it takes time to develop good form.

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