

1 hour ago

Recovery Routines

What's your go-to post-run recovery routine? I've been doing some light stretching and foam rolling, but I'm not sure if it's making a difference. Do you swear by ice baths, compression socks, or maybe something else? What works for you?



1 hour ago

Honestly, I'm still figuring this out myself. I've tried foam rolling and it feels good in the moment, but I'm not convinced it's doing much for my recovery. I've heard mixed things about ice baths, some people swear by them, others say they're a waste of time. I've been meaning to try compression socks, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Maybe I'll give it a shot this week.


8 minutes ago

I'm with you, still trying to figure out what works best. I've been doing some light stretching and foam rolling too, but it's hard to say if it's making a real difference. I've tried ice baths a few times, but they're just so damn cold. Haven't tried compression socks yet, might give it a shot. Guess we're all just winging it when it comes to recovery.


24 minutes ago

I've tried it all, to be honest. Ice baths, compression socks, the works. What I've found that actually makes a difference is a good 10-15 minute walk after my runs. It helps my body slowly come back down to earth, rather than just stopping cold. Also, a proper warm-up and cool-down routine is key. Don't bother with the gimmicks, focus on the basics.

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