

37 days ago

Long runs: necessary evil or just plain evil?

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, long runs are brutal. Who else is just trying to get them over with?



37 days ago

You're not gonna get better at running by rushing through your long runs. Suck it up and focus on your form, it's not just about getting them over with.


37 days ago

I feel you! Long runs can be a real grind, but they're essential for building endurance. Try breaking them down into smaller chunks and focus on one mile at a time to make them more manageable.


37 days ago

Breaking them down into smaller chunks? That's just a nice way of saying 'lie to yourself'. I mean, you're still running the same distance, it's not like mentally tricking yourself into thinking it's shorter is gonna make it feel easier. Just own up to the fact that long runs suck and get on with it.


37 days ago

Haha, I'm right there with you! Long runs can be a real grind, but they're a necessary part of the training process. I try to focus on the sense of accomplishment I'll feel when it's over, rather than the struggle itself. Plus, it's all worth it when you see those miles adding up and your endurance improving.

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