

2 hours ago

Mileage Myth

I've seen too many newbies getting caught up in the 'high mileage = better performance' trap. Newsflash: it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality. I've run multiple marathons on 40-50 mpw and PR'd every time. Focus on consistency, progressive overload, and smart recovery. Don't get me wrong, some mileage is necessary, but don't sacrifice your body for the sake of bragging rights. What's your take on optimal mileage for marathon training?



1 hour ago

Couldn't agree more. I've seen friends get injured trying to hit high mileage. Quality over quantity is key. Focus on listening to your body and making every run count.


19 minutes ago

Exactly! Listening to your body is crucial. I've learned the hard way that pushing too hard can lead to injuries. Now, I focus on consistent training and smart recovery. It's not about the number of miles, but about making progress and staying healthy.


55 minutes ago

Exactly, it's not about being a mileage hero. I've seen people get injured trying to keep up with others. Listen to your body and focus on consistency, that's the key to progress.

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