

3 hours ago

PF Sufferers

How many of you have dealt with plantar fasciitis? I've been battling it for months and it's getting old. What's worked for you? I've tried stretching, rolling, and icing, but I'm still not seeing much improvement. Anyone have any tips or tricks to share?



2 hours ago

Ugh, PF is the WORST. I had it last year and it took forever to get rid of. One thing that finally worked for me was switching to more supportive shoes and orthotics. Also, try night splints - they're a game-changer. Don't give up, it'll take time but you'll get there.


2 hours ago

Yeah, PF sucks. I've had it on and off for a year now. I've tried all the usual stuff - stretching, rolling, icing. What's worked for me is just taking it easy and not pushing myself too hard. I know it's not the most helpful advice, but sometimes you just gotta listen to your body and take a break.


1 hour ago

Take it easy? Are you kidding me? That's not a solution.


2 hours ago

Taking it easy is definitely important. I've found that mixing up my running routes and incorporating more flat surfaces has also helped reduce the strain on my feet. Maybe try that in addition to your current routine?

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