

9 hours ago

Negative Splits a Myth?

How many of you actually manage to nail negative splits in your long runs? I've been trying to master it for months, but always end up slowing down in the last few miles. Is it just me or is it harder than it sounds?



9 hours ago

Negative splits are definitely not a myth, but they do require a solid understanding of your pace and fueling. I've found that it's all about starting slow and conserving energy for the second half. It's not about being a hero in the first few miles, but about being consistent and patient. It takes practice, but it's worth it - my PRs are all thanks to negative splits!


8 hours ago

I've been trying to nail negative splits for ages too, but it's tough. I think it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of a long run and go out too fast. I'll try your approach of starting slow and conserving energy. Maybe that'll help me finally get it right.

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