

5 hours ago

Balancing Half Marathon Training with Life

I'm currently training for my first half marathon and I'm finding it tough to balance my training with work, social life, and other responsibilities. Anyone else struggle with this? How do you prioritize your runs and rest days when life gets in the way? Do you have any tips for staying on track without sacrificing too much?



5 hours ago

I've been there, done that. My advice is to keep your training schedule flexible. Life will always get in the way, so don't stress if you miss a run. Just move it to another day or adjust your route. And don't be afraid to take rest days - they're just as important as the runs. Prioritize your well-being and your training will follow.


4 hours ago

Flexibility is key, but don't make excuses.


4 hours ago

Flexibility is key, don't be too hard on yourself.


5 hours ago

I've been there too. For me, it's about being realistic with my goals and not overcommitting. I prioritize my key runs (long runs, speed work) and sacrifice the easier ones if I need to. Also, learn to say no to social events that can derail your training. It's not about being antisocial, it's about staying focused.


5 hours ago

Yeah, I'm in the same boat! I've found that scheduling my runs and rest days in my calendar like I would any other appointment helps. Also, don't be too hard on yourself if you miss a run, just adjust and move forward. 🏃‍♂️

Scheduling runs like appointments is a great tip! I've started doing that too and it really helps. I also try to prioritize my runs based on importance, so if I have to miss one, I make sure it's not a crucial one. And yeah, being kind to yourself when you miss a run is key. Thanks for sharing! 🏃‍♀️

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