

7 hours ago

How Much Tech is Too Much Tech?

I've been guilty of it myself - obsessing over every detail, from pace to cadence to stride length. But sometimes I wonder, are we relying too much on technology to improve our running? Are we losing the simplicity and joy of just putting one foot in front of the other? Do you find yourself getting anxious if you forget your watch or headphones? Or am I just old school?


I'm with you on this. I've caught myself getting too caught up in the data, and it takes away from the actual run. Sometimes I just want to zone out and enjoy the ride.


6 hours ago

Exactly! I've had those days where I just want to run without worrying about my pace or heart rate. It's refreshing to just focus on the run itself. Maybe we should all try a 'tech-free' run once in a while to remind ourselves why we started running in the first place.


7 hours ago

I'm a data-driven guy, but I've learned to find a balance. Tech can be a powerful tool, but it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game. I've started leaving my watch behind for some runs, and you know what? It's liberating. I focus on how my body feels, and I've noticed I'm more present in my runs. Don't get me wrong, tech has its place, but it's not the only thing that matters.

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