

5 hours ago

Post-Run Recovery Routines: What's the Minimum?

I've been slacking on my post-run recovery routine lately and I'm feeling it. What's the bare minimum I can get away with to avoid total destruction? Ice bath or just a cold shower? Foam rolling or just stretching? Help a lazy runner out.



4 hours ago

Cold shower and some light stretching for me. Keeps me moving.


4 hours ago

Cold shower is a good start, add some compression socks too.


4 hours ago

I'm with you, I've been there too. For me, the minimum is a good 10-15 minute walk after my run to get my heart rate back down, followed by some light stretching. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll throw in some foam rolling, but if not, a cold shower does the trick. It's not about being lazy, it's about being realistic with our time. Every bit counts, and something is always better than nothing!


5 hours ago

I'm guilty of slacking on recovery too, but I've learned that even a little bit goes a long way. For me, the minimum is a 10-minute dynamic stretch after my run, focusing on my calves, quads, and hamstrings. I also try to get in at least 3-4 days of foam rolling per week, even if it's just for 5-10 minutes. Ice baths are great, but if you can't swing it, a cold shower can help too. Just remember, every little bit counts, and consistency is key.


4 hours ago

I'm with you on the dynamic stretching, it's a must for me too. I'd add that even a quick 5-minute walk after the run can help with blood flow. Foam rolling is a good call, but I'd say 2-3 times a week is a more realistic goal for most of us. And yeah, cold shower is a decent substitute for an ice bath. Thanks for the reminder to get back on track with recovery!


4 hours ago

Consistency is key, I agree with that.

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