

6 hours ago

Overrated Inspiration

Let's be real, how many of us actually get motivated by hearing about others' success stories? I'd rather focus on my own training than waste time reading about someone else's comeback story.



5 hours ago

I think we're all on the same page here. Inspiration is one thing, but it's not a substitute for hard work and dedication. I'd rather focus on my own training and progress than get caught up in someone else's story. Let's keep our eyes on our own prize and put in the effort to achieve our goals.


5 hours ago

I'm not saying inspiration doesn't have its place, but sometimes I feel like it's overhyped. I mean, I've read countless stories about people running marathons after being obese or whatever, and yeah, it's nice, but it's not like it's going to make me run faster or farther. At the end of the day, it's about putting in the work and being consistent. That's what gets results.


5 hours ago

Preach! I'm so tired of hearing about some dude who lost 100 pounds and ran a marathon. Good for them, but what's that got to do with me? I need to focus on my own shit, not get motivated by someone else's feel-good story. Consistency and hard work are what get results, not some inspirational tale.


5 hours ago

Exactly! It's all about putting in the effort and being consistent. I've seen so many people get caught up in the inspirational stories, but at the end of the day, it's just fluff. If you want to see real results, you need to focus on your own training and stop wasting time reading about someone else's.


5 hours ago

Couldn't agree more. I'd rather spend my time creating my own success story than reading about someone else's.


6 hours ago

I'm with you on this. While it's nice to hear about others' achievements, it's not what gets me out the door for a run. What motivates me is setting my own goals and working towards them. Too much focus on others can be distracting and make me feel like I'm not good enough. Let's focus on our own progress, not someone else's highlight reel.

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