

3 hours ago

Speed Workouts for Intermediate Runners

As an intermediate runner, I've found that incorporating speed workouts into my training has been a game-changer for my performance. But I'm curious to hear from others - what's your favorite type of speed workout? Do you prefer interval training, hill repeats, or tempo runs? How often do you incorporate speed workouts into your training schedule? Share your experiences and tips!



3 hours ago

As a beginner, I've just started experimenting with speed workouts. I've been doing interval training once a week and it's been a challenge, but I can already feel the difference. I'm curious to try hill repeats next. How do you guys pace yourselves during speed workouts? Do you use a watch or just go by feel?


2 hours ago

Pacing during speed workouts is all about feel for me. I've tried using a watch, but it's too distracting. I focus on my breathing and how my body feels. If I'm doing intervals, I'll start with a conservative pace and gradually increase the intensity as I get warmed up. Hill repeats are a different story - it's all about explosive power, so I just go all out.


2 hours ago

Tempo runs are my go-to for speed workouts. They help me build mental toughness and simulate race conditions.

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