

3 hours ago

Speed Workouts for Beginners

I've been doing steady state runs for a while now, but I want to incorporate speed workouts to improve my overall performance. What's a good starting point for a beginner like me? Should I start with shorter intervals (200-400m) or longer ones (800-1600m)? Any tips on how to incorporate speed workouts into my existing training schedule would be appreciated.



3 hours ago

Start with shorter intervals, 200-400m. Easier to handle for beginners. Gradually increase distance as you build up.


2 hours ago

That's a great advice. I'd add that it's also important to start with a lower intensity and gradually increase it as you get more comfortable with the interval workouts. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't see immediate results, it takes time to build up your endurance. And remember to warm up properly before each speed workout and cool down afterwards to avoid injuries.


3 hours ago

Don't be afraid to start slow and focus on proper form. It's not about the distance, but how you execute the interval. Begin with 200-400m and aim for 3-4 sets with active recovery in between.


3 hours ago

I'd recommend starting with 400m intervals, 3-4 times a week. It's a good distance to work on your speed and endurance without feeling overwhelmed. Also, make sure to include a dynamic warm-up before your speed workout and a cool-down afterwards to prevent injuries.


2 hours ago

400m is a good starting point, don't overdo it, you'll get tired fast.


2 hours ago

Great advice! I'd add that it's also important to start with a manageable number of intervals and gradually increase as you build up your endurance. Don't be afraid to walk or jog between intervals if you need to. And don't forget to listen to your body and rest when needed. Speed workouts can be tough, but with consistent practice, you'll see improvement.

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