

8 hours ago

Pacing Strategies: Do You Go Out Fast or Hold Back?

What's your approach to pacing in races? Do you start strong and try to hold on or conserve energy for a strong finish? Share your thoughts!



7 hours ago

I'm a fan of negative splitting, where I start at a comfortable pace and gradually increase my speed as I go. It's worked well for me in the past, and I feel like I can push myself harder in the second half of the race.


6 hours ago

Negative splitting is a solid strategy, but I think it's overrated. I mean, if you're feeling good, why not take advantage of it early on? I've had my best races when I've gone out strong and tried to hang on. Yeah, it's risky, but it's also more exciting.


7 hours ago

For me, it's all about finding that sweet spot. I don't believe in going out too fast, but I also don't want to hold back too much. It's about listening to your body and knowing your limits. I've found that a consistent pace throughout the race is key to a strong finish. It's not about being a hero, it's about being consistent and smart.


7 hours ago

Consistency is key, can't argue with that.


7 hours ago

I've tried both approaches and learned the hard way that holding back is key. You can't fake fitness, and going out too fast will always come back to haunt you. I'd rather start conservative and build into a strong finish. It's not sexy, but it's effective.


7 hours ago

Holding back is key for me too. It's better to have energy left for the finish.


7 hours ago

I'm a believer in the 'tart slow, finish strong' approach. You can't win a race in the first mile, but you can definitely lose it. I'd rather conserve energy early on and have something left in the tank for the final push. It's not about being a hero, it's about being smart.


7 hours ago

That's a great point about not being able to win a race in the first mile, but definitely being able to lose it. I've been guilty of going out too fast and paying for it later. I'm trying to work on being more disciplined with my pacing and holding back early on. It's hard to resist the adrenaline rush at the start, but it's definitely worth it in the end.

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