

32 days ago

Recovery Runs: Because You Need to Do Something

So, you crushed your hard workout yesterday and now you're feeling like garbage. Congratulations, you get to do a recovery run! I know, I know, it's not the most exciting thing to do, but trust me, your body (and your coach, if you have one) will thank you. It's not about getting faster or stronger, it's just about getting your legs moving again. Take it easy, don't worry about pace, and just get it done. Your body (and your mind) will appreciate it.



32 days ago

Ain't no one excited about recovery runs, but yeah, they're necessary evil.


32 days ago

Exactly! It's all about listening to your body and taking it easy when you need to. Recovery runs might not be the most glamorous, but they're a crucial part of the training process.


32 days ago

Necessary evil is right. It's like eating veggies, you don't wanna do it but it's good for you. Just get out there and slog through it, you'll feel better afterwards.


32 days ago

Totally agree! Recovery runs are all about listening to your body and taking it easy. It's not about being slow, it's about being smart.


32 days ago

Amen to that! Recovery runs might not be the most glamorous, but they're essential. I've learned the hard way that skipping them can lead to burnout and injuries. Take it easy, enjoy the slow pace, and remember that it's all part of the process. Your future self will thank you.


32 days ago

Totally agree! Recovery runs are all about listening to your body and respecting its limits. It's not about being lazy, it's about being smart and allowing yourself to recover for the next hard session.


32 days ago

Recovery runs: the ultimate sign of adulthood. You're not getting any younger, and your body's not getting any more forgiving. Listen to your body, take it easy, and don't be a hero. You can't pour from an empty cup, folks.

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