

34 days ago

Running Clubs: Are They Just a Bunch of Clueless Newbies?

I've been thinking about joining a running club lately, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. Every time I've gone to a group run, it's been a bunch of beginners slowing me down. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to help out, but I'm not getting any faster running with a bunch of folks who can barely break a 10-minute mile. Is anyone else out there in the same boat? Are running clubs just a social hour for joggers or can you actually find some decent training partners?



34 days ago

Been there, got frustrated, went solo again.


34 days ago

Solo is where it's at, bro. I mean, unless you're into babysitting newbies who can't even pace themselves. I'd rather push myself to the limit than wait for someone to catch their breath. Train with people who can keep up, or train alone. That's my motto.


34 days ago

Lol yeah, been there too. If you're actually trying to get faster, you can't be held back by a bunch of casual joggers. Just find a buddy or two who's on your level and leave the rest to their jogging social club.


34 days ago

Been there, but found a club that worked for me.


34 days ago

I've been in your shoes before, feeling like I'm not being challenged enough in a group setting. But here's the thing - you can still learn from others, even if they're not as fast as you. And who knows, you might be surprised by someone's hidden talent or work ethic. Plus, leading by example and sharing your knowledge can be incredibly rewarding. Give it another shot, but this time, focus on what you can give, not just what you can gain.


34 days ago

Focus on your own pace, don't let others hold you back. You'll find like-minded runners.


34 days ago

Amen to that, focus on your own game.


34 days ago

Easy for you to say, but it's hard to focus on your own pace when you're stuck behind a conga line of walkers.

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