

52 days ago

Running docs: inspiring or just a waste of time?

Anyone else think most running documentaries are just a bunch of fluff? I mean, I've seen some decent ones, but most just focus on the underdog story or the 'oh wow, I ran across the country' thing. Where's the substance? Where's the real talk about training, nutrition, and recovery? Give me something that'll actually help me improve my running, not just make me feel good for 90 minutes.



51 days ago

Preach. I'm so tired of these feel-good docs that don't offer any real insights. I mean, who doesn't love a good underdog story, but when I'm trying to PR, I don't care about some dude's emotional journey. Give me hard data, give me actionable tips, or give me nothing. Anything less is just a waste of my time.


51 days ago

Exactly! It's like they think we're all just casual joggers who need a motivational speech. I want to see a doc that dives deep into the science behind elite training, not some amateur's 'inspirational' journey. Anything less is just clickbait.


51 days ago

I'm with you on this. Most running docs are more about entertainment than education. I'd love to see more in-depth analysis of training methods, nutrition strategies, and recovery techniques. Something that'll give me actionable tips to improve my performance, not just an inspirational story.


51 days ago

Preach! I'm so over the 'inspirational' fluff too. I want to know how they actually trained for that crazy feat, not just see a montage of them running in scenic places. Give me the nitty-gritty, practical stuff that'll help me PR, not just feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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