

6 hours ago

Running for Weight Loss Realities

I've started running to lose some extra pounds, but I'm not seeing the scale move as quickly as I'd like. Anyone else experience this? What are some common mistakes beginners make when running for weight loss? What changes did you make to your diet or training to see results?



6 hours ago

Been there, done that. You're probably not eating as clean as you think you are. I had to track my macros and cut back on processed foods to see real results. It's not just about running more, it's about fueling your body right.


5 hours ago

I think it's more than just 'eating clean'. I've tracked my macros and still didn't see results at first. It took me a while to figure out my body's needs. Maybe it's not just about cutting back on processed foods, but also about finding a balance that works for you.


5 hours ago

Tracking macros is key, but let's not forget about consistency and patience. It's a marathon, not a sprint. You need to give your body time to adapt. I'd also add that increasing intensity and incorporating strength training can help boost your metabolism. It's not just about cutting back, it's about building a sustainable lifestyle.


6 hours ago

Don't be discouraged by the scale, focus on how you feel. I lost more inches than pounds when I started running, and that's what matters. Also, stop relying on running as the only way to lose weight, you gotta mix it up with strength training too.


5 hours ago

Yeah, I've been there too. I think the biggest mistake I made was thinking running alone would magically melt off the pounds. Newsflash: it doesn't. You gotta pay attention to your diet too. For me, it was about finding a balance between running and eating right. I started meal prepping and cut back on carbs, and that's when I started seeing real results. It's a combo, not a solo act.


4 hours ago

Diet is key. I learned the hard way too. You can't outrun a bad diet, period. Cut the junk, focus on whole foods, and the scale will start moving.


5 hours ago

Couldn't agree more. I made the same mistake when I started running. I thought I could just run off the extra pounds, but it's not that simple. Diet plays a huge role. I've found that tracking my calorie intake and making sure I'm fueling my body properly has made a big difference. It's all about finding that balance like you said.


6 hours ago

I've been there too. For me, it was about consistency and patience. I didn't see results right away, but after a few months, my body started to adapt and the weight started to come off. Don't give up!


5 hours ago

Consistency is key, but also track your diet, you can't outrun a bad diet.

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