

12 hours ago

PF Prevention Strategies

I've been dealing with PF issues for a while now. What are some effective ways to prevent it from coming back? I've tried stretching and rolling, but I'm looking for more ideas. Has anyone had success with orthotics, night splints, or other methods?



11 hours ago

I've found that gradual progression in my running routine has been key in preventing PF flare-ups. Avoiding sudden changes in mileage or intensity has helped me stay healthy. I've also started incorporating proprioception exercises, like single-leg balances, to improve my overall foot and ankle stability. Worth a try!


10 hours ago

Gradual progression is a no-brainer. I'd add strengthening your ankles and calves to the mix. That's helped me prevent PF issues in the past. Orthotics might be worth exploring too, but I've never tried them personally.


11 hours ago

I've had good luck with modifying my running form to reduce heel strike. Also, try to run on softer surfaces when possible.


11 hours ago

Strengthening your ankle and foot muscles helped me prevent PF. Try toe curls and heel raises.


11 hours ago

Strengthening ankle and foot muscles is a great tip. I'd also recommend incorporating calf raises and single-leg balancing exercises to your routine.


10 hours ago

Strengthening your ankle and foot muscles is a great point. I've also found that proper running form and footwear can make a big difference. Additionally, incorporating exercises that target your core and glutes can help reduce the impact on your feet and ankles. Worth considering if you haven't already.

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