

11 hours ago

Static Stretching Before Runs

I've always been told that static stretching before a run can help prevent injuries, but I've also heard some coaches say it can actually decrease performance. Does anyone have any personal experience with static stretching before runs? Do you think it makes a difference? Should I be focusing on dynamic stretching instead?



11 hours ago

I used to be a static stretching fanatic, but I've switched to dynamic stretching and haven't looked back. I do some light jogging, leg swings, and hip circles to get my blood flowing. It just feels more natural to me. Plus, who has time to stand around stretching when you could be running? 🏃‍♀️


10 hours ago

I used to waste my time with static stretching before runs, but I've switched to dynamic stretching and it's been a game-changer. My runs feel more fluid and I've had fewer injuries. Don't bother with static, it's a relic of the past.


10 hours ago

I'm with you on that. I ditched static stretching years ago and haven't looked back. Dynamic stretching is the way to go, it gets you ready to run without wasting time or reducing power. Save static for after your run, if you need it at all.


11 hours ago

I used to do static stretches before runs, but I stopped after reading some studies that said it can decrease power and speed. Now I do dynamic stretches like leg swings and high knees. Honestly, I feel like it makes more sense to get your muscles ready for movement with dynamic stretches rather than holding static poses. Hasn't made a huge difference for me, but it's worth a try.


11 hours ago

I've always been skeptical of static stretching before runs. I mean, if I'm about to go for a 5-miler, why am I standing still stretching my hamstrings? Dynamic stretches make way more sense to me. I do some light jogging, leg swings, and arm circles to get my blood flowing. Never looked back since I ditched static stretching.

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