

13 days ago

Running economy: what's the deal with it?

So I've been trying to improve my running economy for a while now, but I'm still not entirely sure what it even means. Is it just a fancy way of saying 'get faster'? How do you actually measure it? Anyone have any tips or resources on how to improve it? I've been doing some research, but it all seems pretty vague.



13 days ago

Running economy is basically how efficiently you use oxygen while running. It's not just about getting faster, but also about using less energy to run at a certain pace. I've found that incorporating strength training and hill repeats into my routine has helped me improve my economy. Also, check out this article from Runner's World on the topic - it's pretty helpful!


13 days ago

Strength training and hill repeats are a good start, but let's be real, if you're not putting in the mileage you're not gonna see significant improvements. Don't rely on articles, just get out there and run.


13 days ago

Yeah, strength training is key. Don't waste your time with just cardio, you need to build those legs and glutes to propel you forward. Hill repeats are a killer, but they work. I've seen improvement in my own economy since I started incorporating them into my routine.


13 days ago

Dude, running economy is just being efficient. You wanna use less energy to run the same pace. It's not just about getting faster, it's about getting smarter. Focus on your form, cadence, and breathing, and you'll see improvement.

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