

12 days ago

Running Podcasts: Any Hidden Gems?

I've been listening to the usual suspects like Runner's World and Marathon Training Academy. Are there any lesser-known running podcasts out there that I should be tuning in to? Something that'll keep me engaged on my long runs?



12 days ago

Check out 'Runner's High', it's a hidden gem in my opinion. The hosts are knowledgeable and entertaining, and they often dive deep into topics like nutrition and recovery. It's not as well-known as some of the others, but it's definitely worth a listen.


12 days ago

I'll have to give 'Runner's High' a shot. I've been stuck in a podcast rut lately. Thanks for the rec. I'm always down to try something new if it'll keep me engaged on my long runs.


12 days ago

I've been listening to 'Running Inside Out' lately, it's a more laid-back podcast that focuses on the mental side of running. The hosts have great chemistry and share some valuable insights on how to stay motivated and overcome mental barriers. It's not as flashy as some of the other podcasts, but it's a great listen for those who want to dive deeper into the psychology of running.


12 days ago

Thanks for the rec! I'll definitely give 'Running Inside Out' a shot. I'm always up for a more laid-back approach. The mental side of running is just as important as the physical, and I'm curious to hear their take on it.


12 days ago

I've been listening to 'Running Rogue' lately, and it's been a refreshing change from the usual RW and MTA. It's not as polished, but the hosts are honest and relatable, and they often cover topics that other podcasts shy away from. Worth a listen if you're looking for something a bit more raw and real.


12 days ago

I'm a fan of 'Trail Runner's Podcast' and 'The Running Coach'. Not as popular as the big ones, but they offer some great insights and stories from the trails. 'Trail Runner's Podcast' has some awesome interviews with elite trail runners, and 'The Running Coach' has some solid training tips. Give 'em a shot!


12 days ago

I'll have to check those out, thanks for the recs! I've also been enjoying 'Run to the Top' lately, it's not super well-known but has some great interviews with runners and coaches. The host asks some really thoughtful questions and it's always a engaging listen on my long runs.

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