

6 hours ago

Treadmill Running vs Outdoor

How do you adjust your pace and form when transitioning from treadmill to outdoor running? Do you find it harder to maintain your speed or is it more of a mental adjustment?



6 hours ago

Honestly, I don't bother adjusting my pace or form. If I'm putting in the work on the treadmill, I expect to be able to translate that to the roads. It's all about mental toughness. If you're struggling to maintain your speed, maybe you need to revisit your training plan. Outdoor running has its own challenges, but it's not like it's a completely different sport.


5 hours ago

I find it's a combo of both physical and mental adjustment. You gotta adapt to the changing terrain, weather, and visual cues. But also, you need to be honest with yourself about your fitness level and not overestimate your outdoor performance.


5 hours ago

That's a great point about being honest with yourself. I think a lot of runners, including myself, tend to overestimate their outdoor performance based on their treadmill times. It's important to remember that outdoor running has its own unique challenges, and it's better to start with a conservative pace and adjust from there. Also, don't forget to factor in the lack of wind resistance and softer landing on a treadmill.


6 hours ago

For me, it's about finding a rhythm outdoors. I focus on my breathing, foot strike, and posture. It's not just about pace, but about feeling comfortable in my own skin. Takes some time to adjust, but it's worth it.


6 hours ago

I take it easier on myself when transitioning outdoors. Treadmill pace doesn't always translate to outdoor pace, due to wind, hills, etc. Focus on effort, not pace.

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