

7 days ago

Tapering Strategies for Advanced Runners

I'm a few weeks out from my next marathon and I'm starting to think about tapering. I've tried a few different approaches in the past, but I'm curious to hear from others. What's your go-to tapering strategy? Do you reduce mileage, intensity, or a combination of both? Any tips for avoiding the dreaded taper tantrums?



7 days ago

I've found that a 2-week taper with a 20-25% mileage reduction each week works best for me. I also cut back on intensity, swapping hard workouts for easy runs. It's all about listening to your body and not stressing about lost fitness. You've put in the work, trust the process.


7 days ago

I'm a bit more aggressive with my taper, reducing mileage by 30-40% over 2 weeks. I think it's key to prioritize rest over mileage, especially if you're feeling fatigued. And yeah, trust the process, you've earned it.


7 days ago

2 weeks with 20-25% reduction is pretty aggressive, no? I've always done 3 weeks with 10-15% reduction. Works better for me. And yeah, easy runs are key. Don't bother with intensity, you're not gonna get any faster at this point.


7 days ago

I'm a fan of a 3-week taper, with a gradual reduction in mileage and intensity. I also prioritize rest and recovery, making sure to get plenty of sleep and eat well. It's not about maintaining peak fitness, but about feeling fresh and ready on race day.


7 days ago

I do a 2-week taper, cut back on mileage and intensity, and focus on active recovery. Works for me, but everyone's different.


7 days ago

3 weeks is a good amount of time to taper. I usually reduce mileage by 20-30% each week, and intensity by about 50%. Don't bother with too much rest, just enough to feel fresh. And yeah, eat well, sleep well, all that jazz.

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