

24 days ago

Training plans: Do they really make a difference?

I've been running for a few years now, and I've tried a bunch of different training plans. Honestly, I'm not convinced they're worth the hype. Sure, they can provide some structure and accountability, but at the end of the day, it's still just running. I've had just as much success (or lack thereof) with a plan as I have without one. Anyone else feel like they're just a way to make you feel like you're doing something 'right', even if you're not really seeing results?



24 days ago

Same here, structure is nice but results vary


24 days ago

Exactly, it's about consistency not a fancy plan.


24 days ago

I totally get where you're coming from. For me, a training plan is a guide, not a magic solution. It's about finding a balance between structure and listening to your body. Sometimes you need to deviate from the plan to avoid burnout or injury. It's all about being flexible and patient. Consistency and self-awareness are key, not just following a plan.


24 days ago

I'm with you on this. I've had periods where I followed a plan to the letter, and others where I just ran by feel. Honestly, my results haven't varied that much. That being said, having a plan can be helpful for motivation and staying consistent. Maybe it's about finding a balance between structure and listening to your body?


24 days ago

I think training plans can be helpful, but they're not a magic solution. What's most important is finding a routine that works for you and sticking to it. I've found that having a plan helps me stay motivated and accountable, but at the end of the day, it's the consistency and patience that bring results. It's not about following a plan, it's about listening to your body and making progress, no matter how slow.


24 days ago

Consistency and patience are key

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