

3 hours ago

Transitioning from Track to Road Running

I've been doing track workouts for a while now and I'm thinking of transitioning to road running. How do you adjust your training and mindset for the change? Do you find that track work helps with your road running or are there specific skills you need to develop? Any tips for a smooth transition would be appreciated!



2 hours ago

I made the switch from track to road a few years ago and it was a big adjustment. One thing that helped me was incorporating longer runs on the weekends to build up my endurance. Also, I had to adjust my mindset to focus on pace rather than sprinting. It's a different kind of mental toughness. Track work definitely helped with my speed, but I had to learn to conserve energy over longer distances.


2 hours ago

Track work helps with speed, but road running's all about endurance. Focus on building mileage gradually and don't be afraid to slow down.

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