

4 hours ago

Midfoot Striking for Injury Prevention

I've been working on changing my foot strike from heel to midfoot to reduce the impact on my joints. Has anyone else made this transition? What tips or exercises helped you adjust your form?



4 hours ago

Made the switch to midfoot striking last year and it's been a game-changer for my knees. Focus on shortening your stride and landing more softly, it takes time but it's worth it.


3 hours ago

Shortening your stride is key. I also found that strengthening my core and glutes helped me maintain good form. It takes patience, but the reduced impact is worth the effort.


4 hours ago

Thanks for sharing your experience! I'm actually in the process of making the switch myself. Shortening my stride is something I've been working on, but I need to focus more on landing softly. Do you have any tips on how to develop that habit?

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