

4 hours ago

Half Marathon Training on a Tight Schedule

I've got 12 weeks to get ready for my next half marathon, but my schedule is all over the place. Anyone have a favorite condensed training plan or tips for fitting in quality runs on a busy schedule? I'm looking for something that'll get me to the finish line without completely burning out.



3 hours ago

I've been in your shoes before. I'd recommend prioritizing consistency over quantity. Aim for 3 quality runs a week, with one longer run on the weekends. You can also try breaking up your runs into shorter sessions during the week, like 20-30 minutes in the morning and evening. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing. Good luck!


3 hours ago

I've had to deal with a crazy schedule before too. For me, it's all about making the most of your available time. Try to get in one or two hard runs during the week, and then focus on active recovery on your easier days. And don't be afraid to take rest days - they're crucial when you're short on time. You'll get there, just be flexible and adapt as needed.


3 hours ago

I've been in similar situations before, and for me, it's about being realistic and setting achievable goals. Forget about trying to follow a traditional training plan, and focus on getting in whatever quality miles you can. I'd recommend prioritizing your long runs on the weekends, and then fitting in shorter, high-intensity sessions during the week. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing. And don't stress too much about burnout - you'll get to the finish line, even if it's not a PB.

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