

4 hours ago

Running Culture Needs a Reality Check

Let's be real, running culture can be pretty toxic. Everyone's always talking about their PRs and how many miles they're logging. What about the rest of us who are just trying to get out the door? Can we please focus on supporting each other instead of one-upping each other? I'm tired of feeling like I don't belong because I'm not fast enough.



4 hours ago

Preach. I've been guilty of it too, but we need to shift the focus from competition to community.


3 hours ago

Amen to that. I'm so tired of seeing people brag about their 5am 10-milers on social media. Like, good for you, but what about the rest of us who are just trying to get in a 3-mile jog after work? Let's celebrate each other's small victories, not just the elites.


3 hours ago

Preach! I'm so over the 'humblebrags' about mileage and pace. Can we please just focus on the fact that we're all out there putting in the work? I'd much rather hear about someone's struggle to get out the door than their 10th consecutive sub-7 minute mile. Let's keep it real, folks.

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