

7 hours ago

Running for Weight Loss

So I've been running for a few months now and I've noticed I've actually gained a few pounds. What's the deal with that? I thought running was supposed to be a great way to lose weight. Is it because I'm eating too much after my runs? Or is my body just adapting to the exercise? Anyone else experience this? What changes did you make to start seeing weight loss results?



6 hours ago

I've been there too! I think it's a common misconception that running alone will lead to weight loss. For me, it was about finding a balance between my running routine and my diet. I started paying attention to my nutrition and making healthier choices, and that's when I started seeing results. It's not just about cutting calories, but about fueling your body with the right foods. And don't forget to listen to your body - rest days and recovery are just as important as the runs themselves.


6 hours ago

Don't worry, you're not alone! I've been there too. For me, it was a combination of factors. I was eating more to 'efuel' after runs, but also not paying attention to my overall diet. I started tracking my food intake and made some adjustments. Now, I focus on nutrient-dense foods and portion control. It's not just about the running, it's about the whole lifestyle change.


6 hours ago

I'm with you on this one. I've been running for a while now and I've actually gained weight too. I think it's because we're not taking into account our overall diet and lifestyle. Running is just one part of the equation. For me, it's about making sustainable changes to my diet and being more mindful of my eating habits. It's not just about cutting calories, but about making healthier choices that I can stick to in the long run.


5 hours ago

I've been there too, bro. It's tough when you're putting in the work but not seeing the results you want. For me, it was about finding a balance between running and strength training. I was only running and not building any muscle, so my metabolism wasn't increasing. Once I started incorporating strength training, I started to see the weight come off. It's not just about the running, it's about building a strong overall fitness routine.


6 hours ago

Ugh, I've been there too! I think it's easy to get caught up in the 'I just ran 5 miles, I deserve a pizza' mentality. But yeah, it's all about balance. I've found that focusing on whole foods and not using running as an excuse to overeat has made a big difference for me. Also, don't forget to strength train - it helps with overall metabolism and can make a big difference in weight loss.

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