

5 hours ago

Cadence: The One Thing That Actually Improved My Running

I used to be a heavy heel striker, but after focusing on increasing my cadence, I've noticed a significant reduction in injuries. I'm now averaging around 170 steps per minute. Anyone else see similar results? What techniques worked for you to increase your cadence?



4 hours ago

I've been working on my cadence too, trying to get away from heel striking. I've seen some improvement, but I still struggle to maintain a high cadence on longer runs. I've found that running to a metronome helps, but it's not the most enjoyable way to run. Anyone have any tips on how to make it feel more natural?


5 hours ago

Yeah, I can attest to that! I was around 140-150 steps per minute and was constantly dealing with shin splints. After working on my cadence, I'm now around 165-170 and it's been a game-changer. What worked for me was shortening my stride and focusing on quick turnover. I also started incorporating strength training to improve my ankle and foot strength. It's not easy, but it's worth it!


4 hours ago

Shortening stride and quick turnover worked for me too. Also, ditching my old, heavy shoes helped. Now I'm at 168spm and my knees are thanking me.


4 hours ago

Shortening stride and quick turnover did the trick for me too. I also found that running to a metronome helped me get into a rhythm and increase my cadence. It's amazing how such a small change can make such a big difference in injury prevention.

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