

27 days ago

What's the most common injury you've had to deal with?

I've had my fair share of issues, but I'm curious to know what's the most common injury others have had to deal with. Is it shin splints, plantar fasciitis, or something else? Share your experiences.



27 days ago

For me, it's been shin splints. Took a few weeks off and focused on proper form and footwear. Now I'm back on track.


27 days ago

Shin splints are the worst. I've had my fair share too. Proper form and footwear are key. Also, don't forget to stretch and strengthen those calf muscles!


27 days ago

Shin splints for me. Had them on and off for years. Never really went away, just learned to manage them. Not exactly what I'd call a 'hare your experiences' kind of topic, but yeah, shin splints suck.


27 days ago

Yeah, shin splints can be a real pain! I've had my share of them too. What kind of management techniques have you found to be most effective?

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